Attorney Sarah Toney Participates In the Illinois Judge's Association and ISBA Midyear Meeting in Chicago

Attorney Sarah Toney participated in the Illinois Judge's Association and the State Bar Association's Midyear Meeting at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers in Chicago. The Midyear Meeting was held December 12 – 14, 2014. It is a time where attorneys throughout the state who have been appointed to committees come together to discuss pending legislation, legal issues of importance, and ways to improve the practice of law. Similarly, it is a time for lawyers and judges to talk openly about the profession and learn from each other.

Attorney Toney attended the Meeting not only as an ISBA member but as the Past Chair of the Traffic Laws & Courts Section Council, as well as its newsletter editor for the 6th year. Of particular importance this year is the new Compassionate Care Act and how that will influence the DUI laws since it will be legal for some people to use cannabis. Ms. Toney also served as a member of the Law Office Management Section Council where they discussed ways to help new lawyers get started in the practice of law.

On Friday Ms. Toney attended the ISBA's new Diversity Reception, where she met with attorneys throughout the state to celebrate diversity in the legal profession. She is a graduate of Loyola University School of Law and attended a Loyola alumni reception at the Meeting, talking with recent graduates about career opportunities and the marketplace.

Further, attorney Sarah Toney is an elected member of the ISBA Assembly, which met on Saturday, December 14 to discuss and vote on important policies of the ISBA and legislative issues. Issues of new legislation, budget and the President's Commission which Ms. Toney is volunteering for were discussed at the two hour meeting.

Ms. Toney is a Social Chair for the Young Lawyers Division and organized a dinner for the young lawyers Friday night at a trendy river north restaurant where the younger lawyers got to know each other and made great professional connections.

Ms. Toney will attend and vote in the next meeting of the Assembly when it is held again in June, at the ISBA's Annual Meeting.

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